How to Choose the Best Bathroom Tiles: Have Fun
Well, here we are. Part four of our 'How to Choose the Best Bathroom Tiles' series! We've talked about tile colour, size and cost. Now I want to ask you to have fun!
If you're like me, you freak out a bit when making big renovations decisions like choosing bathroom tiles.
I get scared it'll be a repeat of that time I chose Ice Grey as paint colour, and James painted the entire living room, then I realized it looked like off-white, not grey. And not nice off-white. The dirty, scummy, gross kind of off-white. And I ended up asking him to repaint the whole thing Titanic Grey. He was really nice about it but I felt awful for wasting his time and our money.
Yes, renovating can involve big decisions. But they're not the kind of decisions that absolutely can't be undone. No one's life is on the line if you pick the wrong bathroom tile.
And you don't have to make the choice on your own. Your partner, friends, interfering in-laws, the home design magazines at the dentist's office, and a wise contractor can all offer advice. And, of course, blogs like this one!
So please, don't let this decision stress you out. Trust your judgement. Trust that whatever you choose will be right for you. And it's your bathroom, so screw what anyone else thinks! Please, try to have fun with choosing your bathroom tile.
See the other posts in this series:
How to Choose the Best Bathroom Tiles: Colour
How to Choose the Best Bathroom Tiles: Size
How to Choose the Best Bathroom Tiles: Cost